Tuesday, December 24, 2019

West Central Queens Is A Middle Class Section Of The New...

Introduction West Central Queens community is a middle class section of the New York City borough of Queens. The Dutch and the German farmers who had sold their produce in Manhattan, NY once populated the Rego Park neighborhood. The name Rego Park comes from the real good construction company, this company was developed in the year of the mid 1920 s.West Central Queens population has 240,900 people, of the age 22-44 years (old middle aged). The race/ethnicity has a higher portion 60% of white people with the poverty being below level. Below is a pie chart that demonstrates the disparity between the two communities. There is a higher percentage of poverty in Queens. An area that I would like to explore is West Central Queens/Rego Park where I have been living for the past 3 years. My community is facing an issue on cancer such as women not getting screening to detect cancer at an early stage. Cancer has been rated below average such as breast cancer and cervical cancer. However, during the course of this research I will be explaining what breast cancer is? The self-examination approaches of breast cancer, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment along with what steps to take when doing a self-assessment for the breast (BSE). I will also be explaining the disparity of breast cancer in my community compared to Queens and their demographics. When I am done looking for my findings on breast cancer I should have a better understanding on why breast cancer is belowShow MoreRelatedGuidelines for Caring for Populations Assessment and Diagnosis1542 Words   |  6 Pagesassessment of Jamaica Queens, one of forty-two different neighborhoods in New York City. Jamaica Queens is a diverse community within the county of Queens, and was the neighborhood of the authors employment and near the authors residence/ Community New York City is the most diverse city in the United States, a fact reflected in the distinct character of each neighborhood. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Encounter Part Ii†John Mcphee Free Essays

Encounter Part II–John Mcphee An Island introduces Charles Fraser and David Brower, the two on a tour of Cumberland Island, Georgia. Charles Fraser, a real estate developer in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina with David Brower, a conservationist, the leader of a conservation organization called Friends of the Earth, the most effective single person on the cutting edge of conservation in this country. Charles Fraser has obtained 3000 acres of undeveloped Cumberland Island and he has bent over backwards in previous developments to preserve as much of the original landscape as he could, but he considers all environmentalists to be â€Å"druids† who will sacrifice people to save trees. We will write a custom essay sample on Encounter Part Ii– John Mcphee or any similar topic only for you Order Now Fraser considers himself a true conservationist, and he will say that he thinks of most so-called conservationists as â€Å"preservationists† but that he prefers to call them â€Å"druid. † â€Å"Ancient druids used to sacrifice human beings under oak trees,† â€Å"Modern druids worship trees and sacrifice human beings to those tree. They want to save things they like, all for themselves. † Fraser’s characterization of environmentalists as modern druids who â€Å"worship trees and sacrifice human beings to those trees† provides the charge against Brower that forms the title of the book. Brower came to Georgia in order to stop Fraser’s plan to develop Cumberland Island. Actually, Brower agreed that it would be a better candidate if Fraser developed Cumberland Island with federal protection. I think that both of them have common sense. Even though Fraser is a businessman, but he cares about the environment. I agree with Brower and I believe everyone has their own responsibility to get involved with environmental issues. Developing and environmental issue are always conflicted in current. Maybe we will find out the best solution to solve this puzzle. According to environmental ethic, we have to protect our environment first. I agree with that it is priority to protect our Earth Planet. I think it might be human nature, we always realize our mistake after we actually have made the mistake. For example in China, compare to 20 years ago, China’s economy has been developing to a very higher level, but the environment condition is going down to the hell. China has been studying and learning economic developing from Western for a long while and realized that economy is the most important thing for the country. Most of Chinese think that America is the superpower state in the world because our super economy and technology. Previous Chinese President, Mr. Deng Xiaoping, after his economic reforms, the whole country’s living standard has been increased enormously. During developing, Chinese has realized that economic developing has destroyed the country’s environment. Now it is the payback time for Chinese, even they want to spend 10 times more it won’t get the nature environment back. I don’t think that all the Chinese realize how important environment it is. I agree with most of Brower s opinion and I like to protect our green earth, but I believe that developing is very important too. Some of Fraser’s thoughts are right to me. I would like to see the developing with good environmental protection. The best asset religion offers is the moral framework by which practitioners must abide. 3] Since many environmental problems have stemmed from human activity, it follows that religion might hold some solutions to mitigating destructive patterns. Buddhism idealizes and emphasizes interconnection,[4] thereby creating a mindset that creates a productive and cooperative relationship between humans and nature. That all actio ns are based on the premise of interconnection makes the Buddhist mindset affective in generating modesty, compassion, and balance among followers, which may ultimately mitigate the harm done to the environment. One benefit of the Buddhist interconnected mindset is the inevitable humility that ensues. Because humans are entwined with natural systems, damage done upon the Earth is also harm done to humans. [5] This realization is quite modifying to a human race that historically pillages the Earth for individual benefit. When rational humans minimize the split between humanity and nature and bridge the gaps,[3] only then will a mutual respect emerge in which all entities coexist rather than fight. Buddhism maintains that the reason for all suffering comes from attachment. [6] When release from the tight grasp humanity has on individuality and separateness occurs, then oneness and interconnection is realized. So rather than emphasizing winners and losers, humanity will understand its existence within others; this results in a modesty that ends egoic mind. Another benefit of Buddhist practice to the environment is the compassion that drives all thinking. [3] When humans realize that they are all onnected, harm done to another will never benefit the initiator. [5] Therefore, peaceful wishes for everyone and everything will ultimately benefit the initiator. Through accepting that the web of life is connected[4]—if one entity benefits, all benefit[5]—then the prevailing mindset encourages peaceful actions all the time. If everything depends on everything else, then only beneficial events will make life situations better. Acceptance of compassion takes training and pra ctice, which is also encouraged by Buddhist moral conduct in the form of mediation. This habitual striving for harmony and friendship among all beings creates a more perfect relationship between humanity and nature. Lastly, Buddhist mindset relies on taking the middle road or striving for balance. Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, spent his life searching for the outlet of human suffering, eventually concluding that a balance must be established between self-destruction and self-indulgence. [7] While modern, industrial humans emphasize economic and social aspects of life and lastly environmental aspects, this view is lopsided. 5] When human preferences are leveled with environmental preferences—giving a voice to natural systems as well as human systems—then can balance and harmony be realized. Therefore, using this idealized and disciplined framework that Buddhism has to offer can create lasting solutions to amending the broken relationship between humanity and nature. What ensues is an ethic, rather than a short-term policy or technological fix. [5] When never-ending consumption patterns cease for the betterment of the world as a whole, then all systems will harmoniously interact in a non-abusive way. 5] Without needing to adopt a new religion, just recognizing and accepting this mindset can help to heal the environmental injuries of the past. Buddhists today are involved in spreading environmental awareness. In a meeting with the U. S Ambassador to the Republic of India Timothy J. Roemer, the Dalai Lama urged the U. S to engage China on climate change in Tibet. [8] The Dalai Lama has also been part of a series on discussions organised by the Mind and Life Institute; a non profit organisation that specializes on the relationship between science and Buddhism. The talks were partly about ecology, ethics and interdependence and issues on global warming were brought up [9] According to some social science research, Christians and members of the Christian right are typically less concerned about issues of environmental responsibility than the general public. [1][2] Green Christianity is a broad field that encompasses Christian theological reflection on nature, Christian liturgical and spiritual practices centered on environmental issues, as well as Christian-based activism in the environmental movement. citation needed] Within the activism arena, green Christianity refers to a diverse group of Christians who emphasize the biblical or theological basis for protecting and celebrating the environment. [citation needed] The term indicates not a particular denomination, but a shared territory of concern. [citation needed] http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Religion_and_environmentalism#Religions_and_the_environment How to cite Encounter Part Ii– John Mcphee, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Business Plan Impact of Nascent Entrepreneurs

Question: Discuss about the Business Plan for Impact of Nascent Entrepreneurs. Answer: Introduction: This report discusses about a new business idea of launching a new application namely Grab-a-Nurse. In the report, the detailed analysis is made on the industry as well as target market of the company. Along with that, the report also analyzes and evaluates the business plan in respect to the financial and technical feasibility (Bryman and Bell, 2015). However, at the end of the report, an overall conclusion is provided based on the findings of the study. Business Details: The following report presents business analysis, financial plan for a new venture start up by a company, Tech Nursing as grab a nurse e- service. As we know, the present market structure is focusing on procurement of business through online marketing and e- commerce by using the advanced technology. Tech Nursing also planned to start its service to provide nurses to the citizens and patients through online commercials and apps. This idea has been adapted to provide the people with best nursing services just a single click away without any hassles and worry. The organization is a partnership business with two Singapore resident partners in Singapore focusing its marketability for all classes of family and individuals. Description of Service: Grab a nurse is a service application, which will provide nurses to the patients for all types of nursing services like change dressing, in- house care for post operated patients, regular in house care for senior citizens or patients who are bid ridden and require nursing care. The services will be provided through web application, which will be available on several software users viz. Android, Microsoft, IOS under relative type of services required by the clients on different time slots and service charges. Currently, Tech Nursing is the only launcher of this type of e-service in Singapore and therefore the start up will be available on the three software used by the maximum people. Tech Nursing also focuses on sustainability of its organization in the market strategy and therefore best services at best prices will be maintained so that it can be affordable to all the citizens of Singapore. In order to start the venture, the owners had complied with all the necessary legal complianc es i.e. registration with the Corporation Act, procurement of trade license, or any other necessary requirements. The proposed venture will be available on smart phones having Android, Microsoft windows and IOS software. There would be very few simple steps for users to grab the service, users will have to download the application from the respective software app stores then they will have to register themselves either by using their contact number or email id and few other necessary details. Once the users are registered, the application will automatically detect the location of the user so that they can save time to explain the address. After this step, user is required to click on the option of service type and time he wants to avail and the expected charge will be displayed automatically before confirmation of booking along with the expected arrival time to be taken by the service provider. Once the user confirms the booking, the system operators process service immediately (Zhou and Liu, 2015). Mission statement: Providing the nursing services within minimum possible time Vision: Provide quality nursing service to the needy people Objectives: Grab the attention of 90% people in Singapore within the first 12 months after launching the business Earn minimum 10% profit to run the business successfully Make the application easily available in the market Industry and Market Analysis: Since, Tech Nursing falls into the healthcare industry number of competitors are at higher percentage even though the other organizations are not into e-commerce operation. Another challenging risk for Tech Nursing in the market is reliable and satisfactory service rendering to the clients. As we all know, that nothing is more important and valuable for people than their health it will be very difficult to get the venture started, as most of the citizens will be comfortable in taking service from their regular service providers (Bryman and Bell, 2015). Industry Analysis: At present, Singapore is considered the fourth best in the industry of healthcare infrastructure while medical practices ranks best among the world. Therefore, Tech Nursing is also required to maintain its standard and quality of services at par. For the better and detailed analysis, we have used SLEPT analysis and Porters Five Forces. Slept analysis is a analytical structure used to measure the external influence on an enterprise considering five factors that affect the economy at macro level (Chang, 2016). SLEPT analysis is used to ascertain threats and opportunities used to conduct SWOT analysis, which provides further measurement of influence through internal factors that, affect the entity. To present the industry structure and growth SLEPT analysis is briefed as follows: Factors Analysis Social Factors Social factors include analysis on the society in relation to education level, healthcare, population growth rate, class of population as per age, income level etc (Plan, 2015). On conducting survey for these factors, it has been concluded that Singapore citizens are well educated and addictive to the usage of advanced technology as well as quite particular about their health factors. Moreover, it has also been framed out that out of around 3.81 million residents of Singapore 20% have employment pass holders accordingly, availing the tech Nursing Service will not be difficult for them. Legal Factors Legal factors include laws and legal formalities regarding anti- trust laws, consumer protection laws, employment laws, corporate regulatory laws (Gregg and Strnad, 2016). The entrepreneurs of Tech Nursing have thoroughly studied the requirements of all the factors and focusing on duly compliance of the provisions and requirements of the laws and regulations. Economic Factors Economic factors represents the information and general ideas about the Goss Domestic Profit, interest rates, market growth and revenue rate, exchange rates for foreign currencies, fiscal and monetary policies, credit availability including Reserve Bank regulatory norms (Pavlou and Stewart, 2015). On going through these factors and taking into considerations, it has been observed by the owners of the Tech Nursing that it will be a big challenge to procure the market with giving considerations regarding quality of the service. Political Factors Another major factor affecting any industry is the political factor presenting government policies in relation to corruption level, trade control, competition regulation etc. (Gregg and Strnad, 2016). Initially it will be a challenge for Tech Nursing to be at par following these stringent policies but subsequently, things will fall into place as the owners are very much confident about the quality of their service. Technological Factors As the venture relates to e- commerce, technology is the most vital factor for the owners (Schlaegel et al. 2015). The entire service process depends on the technology and therefore there should be a proper research and development program has to be conducted. The application will require to be updated from time to time about new software updates. Further, in order to enter into the healthcare industry as a complete new and advanced service provider it is very important to make a thorough industry research. Hence, apart from SLEPT analysis, management of Tech Nursing has also conducted Porters Five Forces as under. Five Forces Findings Industry Rivalry As the new app Grab-a-Nurse will be made in order to provide nursing services, the business is under the nursing industry of Singapore. However, as the service will be available just through a mobile application, this will be unique and in Singapore, this kind of services is not widely available (DeMartino and Barbato 2015). On the other side, there are many good organizations available in Singapore those provide better services at lower cost. Therefore, from these points of views, it can be said the industry rivalry will be moderate. Threat of new entrants The threat of new entrants in this similar type of business is low because it is still not guaranteed that this will be successful (Schlaegel et al. 2015). So, for first three to five years the threat of new entrants will be low. However, if the business gets success then more organizations may come to similar business and then this threat may increase. Threat of substitute product The threat of substitute product will be high because there are many hospitals and nursing homes available in Singapore those provide better services at an affordable price range. At the same time, they also provide services on time. Bargaining power of suppliers Bargaining power of the suppliers will be low because there are many nurses available in Singapore those are ready to provide this type of services to the people. Bargaining power of the buyers The bargaining power of the customer will be moderate because this service is related to the health and the prices of these types of services are generally fixed. However, as there are some poor people, the companies sometimes need to lower the price. Therefore, the bargaining power of the customers will be moderate. Therefore, from this five forces analysis, it can be said that the industry situation is good for the new business. However, the new venture needs to maintain the time and price factors in order to get a good market share. At the same time, the new venture needs to maintain the service quality also. Target Market: In order to know the future prospect of the business, it is very important to conduct a market research (Hair et al. 2015). With the help of the market research, the entrepreneurs of Tech Nursing will know the actual demand of the people in Singapore. For this particular business of Grab-a-Nurse app, the entrepreneurs have used the 4Ps tool of marketing. The entrepreneurs found out the followings: 4Ps Findings Product In the market of Singapore, most of the people are technology friendly and so the demand for any new application is high. However, the product or app must be easily accessible and fast to serve in any urgent situation. Price The people in Singapore are ready to pay a standard amount of money in order to get a quality service in their home (Peroni et al. 2016). However, in order to provide the facility to the middle and lower social classes of people, the price level must be within affordable standard. Place As the service is an application oriented, this will be better to make the application available in Google Play store, App Store and Microsoft Store Promotion As most of the people in Singapore use the social networking sites. Therefore, it will be feasible enough if the promotion of Grab-a-Nurse is one through social networking sites. At the same time, the company needs to give television advertisement in order make older people aware about the product Therefore, from the above analysis, it can be said that there is a good scope for Grab-a-Nurse. As the service or application is related to the human health, there is more chance to catch the market effectively. However, the price must be affordable to all social class and proper channel must be chosen to aware the people of all age group. Customers and Value Proposition: For the Tech Nursing, owners have planned to target the entire society and all the age groups of Singapore, this is because the healthcare industry cannot segregate between the class and age group of people. As the venture is completely with the application of advanced technology, young generation of Singapore is expected to be the maximum revenue-generating source. The selling of service proposition for the organization is very clear i.e. only the nursing service will be available and no other similar or relative service is provided by the organization. From the above discussion it was very clear that the organization is going to face lot of challenges to sustain in the healthcare industry but the same is not impossible because it is concentrating on only the nursing part of the medical industry which eventually will save the time and cost of the local society (Schlaegel et al. 2015). Moreover, there will also be an option of suggestions and instructions online on general Medicare for those who would want an instant help which are at present difficult to get from the medical institutions. Marketing Strategy: Marketing Strategy for an organization is the most vital strategy as its growth, sustainability and market share depends on how well an organization is marketing its products and services. In the service of grab a nurse management of the entity planned to launch its application through placing in house services and promoting through various social sites. This strategy is planned because as saying goes service starts at home which means if the known people around are satisfied with the service then it will become a great source of promotion (Schlaegel et al. 2015). Subsequently, young group of citizens are the target as they are the most tech savvy in order to save their time and prompt services as well as quality concerned. Gradually, Tech Nursing is proposed to target the entire age group and social class citizens in Singapore including non- residents. Tech Nursing is also planning in taking steps to get the franchisee from medical institutions so that clients get prompt services with good results. Apparently, threats that Tech Nursing is going to face are about the pricing of its competitors. What if the existing hospitals and nursing homes pay more salary to the nurses? The availability of the nurses will reduce and the company will face difficulties in providing services on time. What if new company with quicker application comes in to the market? The popularity of Grab-a-Nurse will reduce and the customer base and revenue will reduce. What if the company fails to recover the initial investment? The budgeted revenue of the company will decrease to the extent to which it will be suitable for the internal funds. The scalability of a new business can be identified with the help of three factors entrepreneur base, owners capabilities and comprehensiveness of the business plan (Chua and Bedford 2015). In case of this venture, the entrepreneur base is strong because the partners of the business have enough financial backup and they have good knowledge of software and application. On the other side, the owners of the business have good motivational and managerial capacities to run a business. Management team and Company Structure: The organization is a start up with two partners who are resident of Singapore having a good Information Technology background as well as management consistent from B Tech background and Software engineers. The company seeks to absorb highly qualified nurses with good work experiences as well as fresher to be trained under the seniors (Madani and Hashemi, 2015). The nurses are required to send their resumes through the application portal or through the website. The management of the organization is also comprised of having knowledge and skills about SAPs and other technological skills. The organization will have stabilized premises in the located in the central Singapore, which will be the central head of operating the entire business with all the necessary and required technological equipments. Financial feasibility analysis: As per the planning of the entrepreneurs of Grab-a-Nursing, 70% of the initial capital will be arranged by the entrepreneurs and 30% will be gathered by taking long-term bank loan at 10% interest per annum. The company has also decided that the initial investment will be same as the initial total cost of the company. However, the budgeted cost, profit and revenue of the company for initial three years are shown below: Particulars Amount (in $) (1st year) Amount (in $) (2nd year) Amount (in $) (3rd year) Revenue 10000 13900 14700 Cost of goods sold 6300 3100 3900 Gross profit 3700 10800 10800 Expenses for software maintenance 300 300 300 Salaries to the nurses 1000 1000 1400 Fees to the software developer 270 270 270 Distribution and advertisement expenses 410 680 710 Operating income 1720 8550 8120 Interest payment (10% on 1890) 189 189 189 Profit before tax 1531 8361 7931 Tax payment (30%) 459.3 2508.3 2379.3 Net profit 1071.7 5852.7 5551.7 Workings: Calculation of loan amount = 6300 * 30% = $1890 From the above table, it can be said that in the second year the net profit of the company is expected to be highest. This is because in the first year, the initial cost of preparing the application is high, due to which the cost of goods sold of the company will be higher, which is not applicable for second and third years. However, as the company has a plan to increase the number of nurses in the third year for providing more services, due to which the cost for paying the salaries will be higher, due to which the profit will decrease. Financial Projections: As discussed above, partners will invest 70% of the capital while 30% of the capital will be invested by taking long-term bank loan at an interest rate of 10%. The management is planning to issue ordinary shares to raise capital investment. Assets and Liabilities representing financial position of the organization will be comprised of non- current and current nature. From the above financial analysis, expected profit for next three years has been determined $1,531 $8,361 and $7,931 in the first, second and third year respectively, whereas profit after tax amounted $1,071.7 $5,852.7 and $ 5,551.7 for first, second and third year respectively. Further, expected revenue has been measured as $10,000, $13,900 and $14,700 for the first year, second year and third year respectively. This shows a decent growth in the revenue generation of the enterprise. Risk and Strategic Options: In order to maintain the financial results as discussed above, Tech Nursing will have to face the challenges and risks arising from various other factors. This includes, risk of non-availability of qualified and experienced nurses, increased payments by other healthcare institutions to the experienced nurses, providing better work infrastructure etc. As Tech Nursing is a new venture, it would be difficult to overpower all the factors in first year of its operations, however once the venture sustains in subsequent years it will be easier to eliminate the above-mentioned risks. For maintain the mission and objectives of the Tech Nursing (Madani and Hashemi, 2015), Management has set out the critical success factors like, quality of the service, timeliness of the service, as well as affordable costs to the clients. Conclusion: In this business plan, it has been identified that Grab-a-Nurse has a strong market opportunity that can be used to earn more revenue. On the other side, business is also technically feasible and the demand for the service or application in Singapore will be high because most of the people in Singapore are tech savvy. However, the company needs to maintain the price and quality of the service up to the standard. At the same time, the company also needs to be prepared for any adverse situation. Bibliography: Brinckmann, J. and Kim, S.M., 2015. Why We Plan: The Impact of Nascent Entrepreneurs' Cognitive Characteristics and Human Capital on Business Planning.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,9(2), pp.153-166. Brinckmann, J., Read, S., Mayer-Haug, K., Dew, N. and Grichnik, D., 2015, January. Of those who plan: A meta-analysis of the relationship between human capital and business planning. InAcademy of Management Proceedings(Vol. 2015, No. 1, p. 16198). Academy of Management. Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015.Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Chang, M., 2016. 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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Comparative Industrial Relations Essay Example

Comparative Industrial Relations Essay This essay will explain the location and extent of collective and individual bargaining in USA and Britain and distinguish difference and similarity between in these two countries. At the start of this essay, it will explain what is the collective bargaining and individual bargaining. Then it will introduce how the collective bargaining and individual bargaining to operate in each countries, it contains the how it works and where it takes place. Lastly it will do a comparative analysis between those two countries in the field of collective and individual bargaining. It will distinguish from the similarities and differences in USA and UK. Body of essay There are some different definitions of collective and individual bargaining. Collective bargaining as the principal which influence on union behaviour; European communities shows that collective bargaining as voluntary negotiations among employers or employers organization, with a view to the regulation of terms and conditions by collective agreement (Wailes ,2004). Collective bargaining is a rule which make process based on decisions between independent organizations; Collective bargaining consist of negotiations between an employer and a group of employees to determine the conditions of employment (comell law school, 2006). Therefore, collective bargaining consist of the process of negation between union and employers in respect of the terms and conditions of employment of employees such as wages, hours of work, working conditions and the right and responsibilities of TU. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparative Industrial Relations specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Comparative Industrial Relations specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Comparative Industrial Relations specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Basically, individual bargaining is same as collective bargaining. However, collective bargaining is relation of group of employees and employers while individual bargaining is the relation of one employee between employers. Burgess (1996, p31) makes clear that individual bargaining is an agreement which concluded one employees organizations and one employer determine employment relations between employers and employees with a company activity; Individual bargaining is negotiations between a single employee and his employer. Individual bargaining gives the employer much greater strength than collective bargaining where the employer must deal with the employees as a group; it is the conditions that are to be fair and reasonable which employees will accept and employers will give in contracts of service (the age 150th, 1907). There are some information about the extent and location of collective and individual bargaining in the UK. Burgess (1996, pp333-335) claims that the trade union in the UK is freedom association. Employees have the right to join or not join a trade union and they have future right to take part in the activities of a union at an appropriate time. The UK has strongly rooted in workplace organization. The right of trade union is quite low and strike funds are usually small. Workplace representatives are off work at reasonable time, paid by the employer and to carry out their functions. Moreover, in the agreement there are only a few hours a week and this agreement is often informal (Burgess, 1996, p336). Between the signatories collective agreement is not legally enforceable unless they expressly state. There are two levels of bargaining in the UK. One is local bargaining another is national bargaining. Visser (1996, pp67-69) points out that expect pay and hours the local bargaining was basically administrative and monitoring activity which compare to national agreement. In British much narrow scope of the national agreement while the local bargainers had more informal negotiations issues such as job demarcation and staff levels. In the UK the bargaining power of the workers was increased year by year. On the other hand, the national agreement is minimum norms for wages and working hours, as well as the rule that concern procedures of conflict. They were more and more frequently supplemented by informal shopfloor negotiations between local managers and shop stewards. In the UK the pay determination has always been decentralized. In addition, some industrials keep national agreement on non-pay such as annual holiday entitlement or premium payments for shift work. As for white collar grades, under collective bargaining pay systems based wholly or partly in individual performance with the widespread adoption. However, in public sector collective bargaining is much more entrenched (Burgess, 1996, pp350-359). The primary means of addressing American workers needs is through individual bargaining due to the decline of unions and the renewed focus on individual rights has led the United States Congress and state legislatures to rely increasingly on specific statutory rights. In contrast to other industrialized countries, two facets of the system of individual contract rights in the United States stand out as truly exceptionalthe employment at-will doctrine and reliance in individual employment contracts for the provision of health insurance. In the evolution of these doctrines, United States constitutional protections have played an important, but merely supporting role in establishing a strong legal environment for the presumption of freedom of contract. State and federal statutes have also played a largely supporting role in the development of both the employment-at-will doctrine and health insurance provisions providing either some specific prohibitions against discharge or prescribing certain forms and protections for employee health benefits if offered by the employer. But its advantage and disadvantage of individual bargaining are obvious in the US. Individual bargaining can provide the most individualized solution of meeting the needs of the parties. It also enjoys relatively low administrative costs. Unfortunately, market failures and lack of bargaining power mean that individual bargaining often results in an impoverished solution for many workers that fails to address many of their basic needs.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Challenging Situation Essays - Computer Programming Lessons

A Challenging Situation Essays - Computer Programming Lessons A Challenging Situation University of Washington Admissions Essay The challenging family situation I would like to share with you is our move from Korea to the United States. In 1989, my life was changed when my family immigrated to a new country, hoping for a better future. My life in Korea was hopeless, because I was a failing student with not much interest in school. I spent the majority of my time in Arcades, wasting my coins on video games. Rather than studying with my friends, as I had told my parents I would, I obsessed over the games. The only positive aspect to my life was my private computer programming lessons. Programming in Apple BASIC presented me with an opportunity to create my own world. One day, my parents told me that we were going to move to the United States of America, and I developed a strong feeling that my life soon would change forever. After spending eleven years in Korea, our family moved a totally different environment. This I knew would be my toughest challenge to date. As a fifth grader attending a new elementary school in a new country, I felt left out because of my inability to communicate. Some kids assumed that I did not understand them at all, so they made rude remarks about me. I understood them, maybe not completely, but I knew the intent of their messages. All that I had was my Apple II computer at which I just sat and programmed when I came home from school. At home, my parents pressured me to study all of the time, but I was frustrated and wanted to return to Korea. I wanted to go back and talk freely with my friends and play games with them. My parents often told me that they decided to move here because of the educational opportunities, yet I continued to rebel and refused to listen to what they said. Over time, my English improved. I moved on to regular sixth grade classes; some of which were challenging, but tolerable because of my teachers whom were willing to help. I always enjoyed class trips to the computer lab, where I would start programming on the computer. Other kids would start to gather around and treat me like a genius. Before long, I made more friends and found that I was enjoying school. Thoughts of going back to Korea faded, and my grades rose to a satisfactory level. This pleased my parents who now encouraged me to invite friends to dinner. When my friends came over, I became the translator between my parents and my friends. Since then, I often translate for my parents in any occasion where translation is needed. Talking to some adults was intimidating and sometimes embarrassing, but I felt mature and responsible. The rest of my school year went by very smoothly, and my self-confidence grew. Now I help other Korean people with language difficulties, helping them t o understand English and American customs. Prior to my arrival to the United States, I thought everything would be nice and easy, but it did not turn out that way. Life was difficult, since I had to learn a new language, culture, and customs. One of the best things I learned was that my parents were right. This experience helped change me from a hopeless kid to a confident and responsible young adult. From this experience, I have learned that if one sets goals, works hard towards those goals, dedicates oneself to those goals, and takes advantage of opportunities presented, they can achieve anything.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Thanking a Professor for Writing a Recommendation Letter

Thanking a Professor for Writing a Recommendation Letter Recommendation letters are vital to your graduate school application. Its likely that you will need at least three letters and it can be hard to determine who to ask. Once you have professors in mind, they  agree to write a letter, and your application is submitted, your next step should be a simple thank you note showing your appreciation. Letters of recommendation  are a lot of work for professors and they  are asked to write a number of them each year. Unfortunately, the majority of students dont bother with a follow-up. Why Send a Thank-You Note? At its most basic, taking a few minutes to send a thank-you note is a common act of courtesy for someone who has taken the time to do you a favor, but it can also work to your benefit.A thank-you note helps you stand out from the other students and will help keep you in the writers good graces. After all, you may need a letter again in the future for another school or even a job. Recommendation Letters An effective grad school recommendation letter explains the basis for the evaluation. It may be based on your performance in the classroom, your  work as a research assistant  or a mentee, or any other interaction you had with faculty. Professors often take great pains to write letters that honestly discuss your potential for graduate study. They will take the time to include  specific details and examples that illustrate why youre a  good fit for the graduate program. They will also consider other factors to suggest that you will be successful in grad school and beyond. Their letters are not simply saying, Shell do great. Writing helpful letters takes time, effort, and considerable thought. Professors do not take this lightly and theyre not required to do it.  Whenever someone does something of this magnitude for you, its nice to  show your appreciation for their time and attention. Offer a Simple Thank You Graduate school is a big deal  and your professors are playing an important role in helping you get there. A thank you letter need not be lengthy or overly detailed. A  simple note will do. You can do this as soon as the application is in, though you might also want to follow-up once youre accepted to share your good news. Your thank you letter can be a nice email. Its certainly the quicker option, but your professors may also appreciate a simple card. Mailing a letter is not out of style and a handwritten letter has a personal  touch. It shows that you wanted to spend extra time to thank them for the time they put into your letter. Now that youre convinced that sending a letter is a good idea, what do you write? Below is a sample but you should tailor it to your situation and your relationship with your professor. A Sample Thank You Note Dear Dr. Smith, Thank you for taking the time to write on my behalf for my graduate school application. I appreciate your support throughout this process. I will keep you updated about my progress in applying to graduate school. Thanks again for your assistance. It is much appreciated. Sincerely, Sally

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Future of Solid and Hazardous Waste Disposal Research Paper

The Future of Solid and Hazardous Waste Disposal - Research Paper Example In essence, anything that the humankind uses leaves some sort of waste behind. However, the way that society disposes its wastes is what the waste disposal channel becomes. Waste either can be properly disposed or managed in a way that reduces harmful effects to human health and the environment. In this regard, the objective of this paper will be to expound on the environmental issues around public health with relation to hazardous waste disposal. Further, it will touch on effective waste management ways in various countries in the world that have managed to reduce unhygienic waste disposal. Ideally, the European Union member states become wealthier by the day hence translating to increased waste production. However, the Union has made tremendous steps in ensuring that waste disposal is a matter of priority. This has been effected thorough the invocation of three vital principles (Sasikumar and Sanoop 3) . The first and basic principle revolves around the prevention of waste regeneration through the global initiative of going green. This means that manufacturers within the EU block have to produce finished products that have little or no waste after their production. Secondly, the EU emphasizes on the need to recycle and reuse to minimize on the amount of waste generated. Thirdly, the EU imposed directives on the improvement of the last disposal and the amounts of carbon emissions to the atmosphere by the emphasizing on the use of biodegradable materials. These stringent measures have helped to streamline waste management and disposal within the EU in order to achieve an ecology system fit for human habitation. Remarkably, the EU has devised frameworks within its member states to facilitate waste treatment and management as a waste reduction measure. In essence, solid wastes have become useful resources as they act as energy sources. This means that the product responsibility is the core aspect in waste management. In this regard, dangerous

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Dyslexia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dyslexia - Essay Example The entire of this entail utilizing of symbols to convey information. These circumstances can appear in combination or alone. Dyslexia usually runs in families. A student suffering from dyslexia can have the problem of separating sounds and rhyming that make up spoken words. The abilities seem to be significant in the progression of learning on how to read. The student’s first reading skills are founded on word recognition which entails being capable to disconnect out the sounds in words and equal them with letters and groups of letters (Ahissar M, November 2007). Because students with dyslexia have the problem of connecting sounds of language to letters of words, they can have problem comprehending sentences. True dyslexia is wider than simply transposing or confusing letters for example mistaking â€Å"d† and â€Å"b†. Other factors causing learning disability and especially the reading disability should be stated out before a diagnosis of dyslexia is performed. Emotional disorders, brain diseases and mental retardation, and particular education and cultural issues, can cause learning difficulties (Jones KM et.al, October 2004). Moore DR (2007), the duty of getting students’ attention and ensure they are engaged for a period of time needs majority of managing and teaching skills (Ahissar M, November 2007). Students with problem in following directions are usually assisted by asking them to repeat those directions in their own words. Give students with graphic organizer: outline, blank web or chart may be given to students to fill during presentations. This assists students listen for major information and internalize the link among related and conceptual information. Use of balanced presentations and activities: Effort ought to be performed to balance oral presentations with participatory activities and visual information. Likewise, there ought to be the balance between huge group, small

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Dickens presentation of the four spirits Essay Example for Free

Dickens presentation of the four spirits Essay In A Christmas Carol four spirits meet Scrooge and they haunt and warn him of how he disregards Christmas and how people look upon him. Dickens uses his own unique writing skills in portraying the spirits, making the appearance relevant to the purpose of the each spirit. The first supernatural being to visit Scrooge is the ghost of Jacob Marley Scrooges deceased working partner. The appearance of this spirit is directly similar to what Marley wore in his first life when he was a slave to money exactly like Scrooge. These same working clothes show how he is still chained down by the burden of money and that his afterlife has been made rather painful by being a slave to work. Marleys ghost is warning Scrooge that if he doesnt change his character, he will too be burdened in his afterlife. The spirit also foretells the appearance of three more ghosts. The chains clasped about his middle and all the different items that are wrought to the chain all symbolize money and greed of the spirit. The cash-boxes and the keys all represent the hiding away of money and keeping the wealth to themselves and not sharing the abundance of money. The imagery of heavy objects such as the padlocks and steel purses show how laden the ghost is with the weight of the money. The ledgers and deeds show the detailed accounts of money and proper ownership and this is a symbol that everything has to be accounted for, no money can pass by the scrutiny of the accountant which is so true to Scrooges life. Apart from being immensely weighted down by his possessions of greed which held back his life, Marley was transparent. This was so obvious that Scrooge could see the two buttons on the back of his coat. This transparency conveys the sense that this person was never a normal human, he was a chilling figure who lacked some human qualities that most usual persons have. This is a ghost which freezes the presence around him with his death cold eyes and his chilling influence, he is cold, like his life. He has no real substance and the only apparent clear images Scrooge can see of this spirit are the symbols of hoarding, selfishness and greed. The Ghost of Christmas Past reveals itself to Scrooge, shortly after the affair with Marley, and the purpose of this ghost is to show Scrooge of the times of his past life which involve his school and family life as well as his relationships with Fan and Belle. The first line of the description portrays excellently the appearance of this unusual spirit: It was a strange figure like a child; yet not so like a child as like an old man. Dickens shows that even though this spirit is a child, representing youth and looking back in to the past, it is strong bodied being able to be firm with Scrooge. This strength, and the indication of the spirit being old, shows that the ghost is wise and experienced, able to lift Scrooge out of the window with considerable ease and make the miser look up and pay attention. The spirit is also strangely attired with stark contrasts in its dress for the spirit has a holly branch in his hand and summer flowers lining the end of its dress. This displays the progression of time and the seasons which in turn reflect the stages of Scrooges past life and the progression of a mans life, which is slowly been clutched by the grasp of money. The spirit also possesses another unusual quality in that a bright clear jet of light springs out from his head as well as having extensive description of the whiteness of its being. This clear whiteness and the jet of light symbolizes the simplicity of what the spirit is showing It is making thing apparently clear to Scrooge. This ghost is not satisfied with a complicated face and bizarre attire for it also changes the form of its being from being now a thing with one arm, now with one leg, now with twenty legs and the changes vary so much that at one point the spirit has no head. This unusual distinction, I feel, represent the change in emotions and I think Dickens is trying to portray the alterations of Scrooges past and of all the feelings and events that changed him in to a tight-fisted businessman. The ghost of Christmas present is a bit simpler to understand for he represents the things and spirit of Christmas. His purpose is to show Scrooge the way people celebrate Christmas at present and to point out the abundance of Christmas joy there is in families, which is alien to Scrooge. The spirit is introduced with a large range of different Christmas foods such as long plum-puddings, mince pies, cherry-cheeked apples and immense twelfth cakes, just to mention a few of the items layering the floor. The abundance and feeling of plenty is conveyed with the magnificent quantities of tangible items on display, with the barrels of oysters and wreaths of sausages. Dickens eloquently describes the food making the reader feel tempted by these appetizing descriptions. All this is completely foreign to Scrooge. He has never seen this type of thing for he never shares his money to make these things happen, therefore this is appropriate so to open Scrooges eyes to the celebration of Christmas. The actual spirit is huge, happy and incredibly relaxed which is shown by his easy state upon which Scrooge finds him. This peaceful, kind and generous spirit holds Plentys horn which is a sign of abundance and a richness of possessions and atmosphere. He is full of Christmas spirit and he knows what it is like to have a good time and a laugh, he is only haunting Scrooge with good things he has not seen before. The spirit is radiant, full of light for it pours on to Scrooge, he cannot escape the joyous plentiful atmosphere. He cant run away for the light is so strong it grasps him. The spirit is kind to Scrooge yet he is not passive telling Scrooge in a firm manner to look upon his wide, inviting eyes. The ghost has clothes of a simple nature with a simple green robe bordered with white fur. This shows just how relaxed and unpretentious the spirit is, he is even bare-breasted showing that he just wants to present himself as he is with no false attachments even his feet are found without covering. The holly wreath which is seen on the spirit, is a symbol. Jesus once wore a similar wreath and he was peaceful and kind, just like the spirit who is compared to the son of God for they are both cheerful and immensely unconstrained. The ultimate peace of the spirit is displayed when Scrooge notices that in his scabbard there lay no sword but a hole of air polluted by the aging rust. The spirit is a provider, feeding his immense family of 1,800 well, with the full stuffing of Christmas spirit and all the joyous aspects this brings with it. This open hearted spirit is showing the true meaning of Christmas to Scrooge who has only ever lived for money seeing Christmas as a wasted day. There is a very stark difference between the Ghost of Christmas Present and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come for the spirit which foresees the future is firstly described as moving slowly, gravely, silently. This is more a haunting spirit, he is meant to be scary and menacing and he certainly is introduced in this fashion for he is to show the grim tales of Scrooges future which are not pleasant. The overwhelming fear in Scrooge is seen, in that he quickly bends down on one knee and the atmosphere disperses in to one of gloom and mystery. There is definite sense of fear for the words convey ghostly imagery such as shrouded which is a dark word in that it is often associated with a funeral or a burial. The deep, piercingly solemn appearance of a hand is all Scrooge needs to fill him with ultimate fear for the ghost is incredibly hard to distinguish and the outstretched hand is all one can see. This mysterious invisibility makes the ghost even more harrowing for there is only one hand which brings about this dark and undistinguished presence, the ghost is a shape which is horribly not complete. As well as not being able to see all the parts of the ghoul, the spirit does not even talk which makes him even more fearful for it is impossible for Scrooge to communicate to this haunting phantom. Scrooge is desperate for the ghoul to utter a word but Dickens purposely does not let the figure talk for it adds to his mysterious and chilling demeanor. This spirit is one which people dread, it is of an appearance of a phantom which chills the surrounding air which others choke on in fear. The description continues, with Dickens using metaphorical speech to describe the ghoul: but a spectral hand and one great heap of black. The effect of the metaphor is once more of absolute fear and terror. The description ends with Scrooge requesting speech from the ghoul but it is not going to respond which rounds off the passage with a feeling of fear. Dickens shows skill in describing these ghosts so relevantly to what there immediate purpose is. Each ghost has its own specific meaning and Dickens presents this effectively giving each spirit a unique appearance which tells a story with a true moral which still applies today. Dickens is a storyteller with unique gifts and this is shown in these descriptions of the four spirits.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Early Childhood Development Essay -- Papers Child Analysis Children Es

The child that I chose for my observation is a two-year-old; Caucasian, female named Crystal. While observing her in a private facility, I was able to determine if she is behind, right on target, or advanced in areas of development. I observed her physical, intellectual, social and emotional developments. Physical development includes the child's body size, body proportion, normal growth, brain development, and motor skills. Intellectual development, or cognitive development, includes play patterns, reasoning, memory, attention span, and language development. Social and emotional development includes development of empathy, emotional self-regulation, peer sociability, and sex typing. The child that I observed exhibited normal growth patterns, advanced cognitive development in language especially, and normal social and emotional development. Physically, Crystal is right on target. Even though she is shorter than other children her age, she still achieves all types of activities set fo rth for her. The general growth curve explains that the growth and changes in the body size is slower during early and middle childhood. As far as gross and fine motor developments are concerned, she is also right on target. On the playground, Crystal is running, jumping, hopping, and riding a bike. When it comes to drawing, Crystal sits very quietly and concentrates on what she is doing. Crystal is advanced intellectually for her age. Experts say that brain development is very rapid during age's 2-6 years of age. Crystal also has an excellent memory, a wide attention span, and a great imagination. Make-believe is a very important part of Crystal's everyday routine, but she can distinguish between her imagination and reality. When Crystal tells a st... ...elopment. From my experience with other children her age, weather they are children of friends or family, I believe that her attendance at a preschool has helped her a lot with the majority of her development. Generally, Crystal is a well-rounded, well-developed 2-year-old. She is a smart, insightful, and a joy to be around. I have learned a lot about her development, even in such a short period of time. Even though I have learned a lot about Crystal, the only person can and should be the true observers are the parents. I often find myself watching my brothers, sister, cousins and the children that I work with. In the last couple of weeks, I have come to understand their weaknesses and strong points of development. This is something I had never taken the time to do before. By learning and understanding development, I will be able to understand and help them better.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Hemingway (Sun Also Rises) and Fitzgerald (Great Gatsby) Essay

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises both define the culture of the 1920s through the behaviors and thoughts of their characters. The characters in both novels have a sense of sadness and emptiness, which they resolve through sex and alcohol. This can be attributed to the disillusionment surrounding the Great War, better known as World War I. Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby represents the Jazz Age and high life of the 1920s, in contrast to Brett Ashley as the New Woman of the 1920s and Jake Barnes’s embodiment of the Lost Generation in Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises. The Great Gatsby illustrated people reaching for the â€Å"American Dream.† The Sun Also Rises instills a â€Å"permanent emotion,† what many members of the â€Å"Lost Generation† searched for, into the reader by presenting a sense of nostalgia for the better past. Fitzgerald’s 1920s was full of life, flappers, money, alcohol and jazz. It was a time of happy spirits, never ending wealth and the American Dream. Many believed that through hard work and perseverance one could be as rich as they wanted. One could own a mansion and a car and the latest fashions and live the high life. The flapper, a major symbol of the 1920s, wore their hair short and bobbed, make-up that was applied in public, and baggy short dresses that exposed skin. She thought fast, talked fast and was perhaps even a bit brazen. â€Å"They’re all desperadoes, these kids, all of them with any life in their veins; the girls as well as the boys; maybe more than the boys.†(Fabian) Money encompassed the spirit of the times. It represented the pop life, modern days, happiness and the American Dream and everybody wanted it. It seemed that there was not a soul who was not fashionably chic and dressed like they were rich. Everybody drank alcohol even though it was illegal; a party in a Harlem nightclub wouldn’t be as much fun without alcohol. Who couldn’t resist the sweet upbeat tunes of jazz music flowing through brass instruments? â€Å"†¦Jazz is a joyous revolt from convention, custom, authority, boredom, even sorrow.†(Rogers) Originally, jazz sprang from the African-American culture, but the young people of the 1920s adopted the music and even began playing it themselves. Dances such as the Charleston, Black Bottom, the Shimmy, and Fox Trot, were invented to accompany the upbeat music. (Watson) All of these elements are included in The Great Gatsby. Jay Gatsby in Fitzgerald’s novel is the archetype male of the 1920s. He has it all: money, a handsome figure, a mansion, a cream-colored automobile, British lingo, and some sort of inexplicable charm about him. He is new money living in West Egg. Yet despite his lavish parties and impressive mansion he is never be accepted by those who live in East Egg, where old money lives. The West Egg and East Egg are peninsulas that are a mere few miles apart where the only separation is the bay. (Fitzgerald) Fitzgerald’s peninsulas represent the same gap many Americans had to face in the 1920s. The two peninsulas are so close that Gatsby is able to see the green light coming from the Buchanan’s dock yet he cannot take hold of the light because he isn’t allowed to be a part of the society of Daisy Buchanan, his unattainable love who is married to Tom Buchanan. Fitzgerald uses Gatsby to focus on the American dream. It is his undying hope. Gatsby believes soon he will be able to be part of Daisy’s life. His optimism is so strong that in response to Nick Carraway’s comment â€Å"You can’t repeat the past,† he says, â€Å"Can’t repeat the past? Why of course you can!†(Fitzgerald) He believes he can make anything happen. Even his disastrous end is caused by not himself but those who did not want him to succeed. Just as the American Dream was the central part of life in the 1920s so it is in The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald both as a writer and a man understood the American Dream and its risks and rewards. Fitzgerald had lived the American Dream. He, just like Gatsby, had desired an unattainable love whom he couldn’t have until he was rich and successful. The 1920s was the dawning of the American materialistic age and where acceptance and wealth were of the utmost importance. It is the idea that still exists today in American culture. Fitzgerald also describes the careless and senseless parties that took place during his time, similar to the parties Gatsby had. It was all about the money and if one couldn’t have it, one would turn to sex and alcohol. (Sklar) Hemingway’s experience of the 1920s was almost the opposite of Fitzgerald’s. Sex and a great deal of alcoholism were apparent and were used to subdue the everlasting sadness caused by World War I. The young men went to war between  the ages of 18 and 25, when they would have normally become civilized. Many of these people lived to find a permanent emotion or nostalgia after living through the disillusionment of the Great War. Paris was the expatriate capital. It was where the boldest modernists were. Many Americans who survived the war wanted to escape the newfound materialistic life and traveled to Paris and other major cities in Europe. Gertrude Stein called these people the Lost Generation and invented the term. Many were writers, artists and creative thinkers, including Hemingway. Many had hoped to experience their very own bohemian and artistic being in Paris. Though the term first came to apply to those who had just come out of the war, the Lost Generation gradually became all American expatriates and in particular those with artistic and literary preferences. Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises expresses the uncivilized and aimless Americans who lived in Paris, and later Pamplona, Spain, who personified the term Lost Generation. (Mills) Lady Brett Ashley and Jake Barnes are two characters that display the qualities of the Lost Generation. Brett is seen as a â€Å"New Woman† of the 1920s. Jake describes her hair being brushed back â€Å"like a boy’.† (Hemingway) She is trapped amid two styles of gender depictions: that of the â€Å"woman on a platform† and that of the independent and sexually liberated â€Å"contemporary women†. In contrast to flappers, â€Å"New Women† were educated and a product of an industrialized city. Brett values her body and doesn’t believe in the value of a family. Brett is single and carelessly sleeps around with other men. She snubs feminine models of cleanliness, faithfulness, and obedience. Instead Brett insists on sexual independence and self-expression while ignoring the rules of a patriarchal marriage. Robert Cohen, a recent lover of Brett’s, comments she is Circe, turns men into pigs and controls them using sex and simulated lov e. This later turns the men against each other. Brett is seen as a threat to the social order of her group of which she is the only female. (Hemingway) Jake, out of all the characters in the novel, is the most civilized character and is usually embarrassed by his friends. He is still a member of the Lost Generation yet he is more civilized than the others. To compensate for his more civilized nature he constantly drinks alcohol, which was how much of  the Lost Generation spent their time. He is also the modern protagonist in the novel. He is an American and a contemporary man who has seen through the political and nationalist front wall of the war to assured facts about modern hostility embodied by World War One. Jake’s war injury, genital injury, represents the impotence of modernity and a media-flooded ethical and religious alienation. Jake’s infertility juxtaposed to Spain’s fertile country allude to the clichà ©d idea of the 1920s of a lost legitimacy or completeness such as bullfighting and boxing. Jake’s wild interest in bullfighting is a part of his search for the permanent emotion that he searches for as well as Hemingway did. He carries nostalgia of how good life was before his war injury and wishes he could return to the past. (Finnegan) While Hemingway put much of himself into Jake’s character, he resented the women of the Lost Generation. He correctly characterized the people and culture of the 1920s by making the nature of the characters in his novel intolerable and primitive. He made the novel self-conscious of the primitive images it presents, knowing they are a modernist clichà © of his time. Just like much of the Lost Generation, Hemingway searched for a pure style that would permanently capture an emotion. This was also considered as â€Å"a civilized nostalgia for a barbaric world of tragedy and triumph.† This deep â€Å"reactionary level of thought† can be seen throughout The Sun Also Rises and the Lost Generation. (Finnegan) The two novels focus on American life since after the Great War Americans held a new philosophy of materialism that Europeans did not. Americans started to believe that the more property that was owned the better their chances of succeeding economically and socially. Because of this newfound materialism, many writers including Hemingway and Fitzgerald, were attracted to Americans. It was the Americans’ belief in the American Dream and the feeling of no place in the world and continual circling of the world, the Lost Generation, that influenced the characters’ decisions and actions in both novels hence the names The Great Gatsby and The Sun Also Rises. Fitzgerald titled his novel The Great Gatsby for the reason of Gatsby’s never ending optimism as Hemingway titled his novel The Sun Also Rises to allude to the excerpt of Ecclesiastes he placed at the beginning of the  novel, â€Å"The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth gown, and hasteth to the place where he ar ose.† (Hemingway) Hemingway used The main difference between Fitzgerald and Hemingway, as well as they way they thought and wrote, is that Fitzgerald avoided war service while Hemingway served the Italian army and encountered a near death experience. If one were to try to learn about the people of the 1920’s through a textbook they would not learn the people’s behavior and general attitudes on life in general. One wouldn’t be able to be captured by that permanent emotion Hemingway constantly searched for and one couldn’t experience the struggles of Fitzgerald’s American Dream. One couldn’t experience the new revolutionary modern way of writing that Fitzgerald and Hemingway had impressively presented. Works Cited Jim Finnegan. The Sun Also Rises (1926) Lecture Notes (Last Day of Discussion). Fall 2001. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. http://www2.english.uiuc.edu/finnegan/English%20251/sunrises.html> November 28, 2004 Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Collier Books Macmillan Publishing Company, 1925. Flaming Youth. Warner Fabian. John Francis Dillon. 1923. Hemingway, Ernest. The Sun Also Rises. New York: Collier Books Macmillan Publishing Company, 1926. Ian C. Mills. Hemingway’s Paris. 1998-1999. DiscoverFrance.net. Rogers, J.A. â€Å"Jazz at Home.† The Survey Graphic. 1925 Sklar, Robert. The Plastic Age, 1917-1930. New York: George Braziller, 1970. Sonny Watson. Swingstreet.com. 1999. http://www.streetswing.com/histmain/z3jazz1.htm November 26, 2004

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Gb580 Unit 1

Theresa Guillory GB580 – Strategic Management Unit 1 Individual Assignment Professor Stephen Griffith Kaplan University October 28, 2012 My name is Theresa Guillory. I am a single mother of 3 wonderful kids: Gaylon, Dante and Madeline. I am currently employed at Texas School of Business in Houston, Texas. This organization is owned by Kaplan Higher Education. I am the Program Director for the Dental Assistant Program. I have been with the organization for 8 years.While working at TSB, I obtained my Bachelor of Science in Management/Healthcare Emphasis and Masters of Science in Management/Healthcare Emphasis. I am currently working on my Master of Business Administration. I will be complete with my degree in April 2013. Upon completion of this degree, I will get my specialization in Human Resources. My getting this advance education will be critical to the success of my future plans and goals. Mission Statement My future goal is to open my own dental assistant school.My plan is to have a school that will accept those who do not currently hold a high school diploma or GED. To me, these are the people who need the most help to become productive citizens and be able to provide for their families. While they are obtaining this skill (dental assisting); I will also be helping them obtain their GED. A mission statement â€Å"documents the purpose for an organization’s (person’s) existence. Mission statements often contain a code of conduct to guide one in implementing the mission† (De Kluyver & Pearce, 2012). A personal mission statement provides clarity and gives you sense of purpose. It defines who you are and how you will live. My mission statement is: I seek to create a challenging learning environment that encourages high expectations for success through development-appropriate instruction that allows for individual differences and learning styles. I will promote a safe and caring environment. I will strive to have the community and de ntal community actively involved with educating the students. Vision Statement A vision describes some achievement or some future state that the organization will accomplish or realize.It inspires, clarifies, and focuses the work of an organization for a significant time. A vision differs from goals, which express the steps of a plan for accomplishing an objective. A vision differs from a mission statement, which explains an organization’s reasons for existence or for seeking its objectives (Cartwright & Baldwin, 2006). My personal vision for my future plans and goals is structured around four elements that set out the long-term direction for my future – where I want to go and how I am going to get there: I will work to create a better future for the prospective student †¢ I will help people feel good not only about themselves but also about their life by giving them a skill that will be a life-long accomplishment †¢ I will inspire people to take small steps that can add up to a big difference for their future †¢ I will develop new ways of teaching to be able to reach out to the different learning styles of my students My vision will tell the Greater Houston area and surrounding communities that we care about our underserved people. It captures the importance of education and family.Environmental Scanning The environment that I will be operating in is the for-profit proprietary arena. This area has been hard hit the last couple of years as Congress has had an issue with the tuition that most of these types of school charge their students. Also on the talk is the outcome ratio. Both of these will be discussed later. Political Politics play a part in just about everything that is done in world. Starting a for-profit, proprietary school is going to take some knowledge of what the government will and will not let you do.Tuition is one area that will need some attention, as Congress is looking at schools and paying close attention to th eir prices. Does the price of tuition match what the student can make once they have completed the course? I will have to make sure that the price does match. Competition will be steep and in order for me to be successful, I have to have the ultimate advantage. Economic The economy is not in its best state right now and so I will have to make sure that I am putting out a product/service that is not only needed but wanted. One advantage I will go for is getting the money of the government.My focus will be on those individuals who receive government assistance and is looking to better their lives. I will go after those that the government will pay to go back to school and eventually become productive citizens in the community. The medical field is going to be a wide open career path in the future (if not already) and I want to be able to train those to be self-reliant. A person’s economic factor could have an impact on whether they attend school or not. If they are on public as sistance, there is a chance they cannot afford a student loan or a monthly payment. Many of the schools require students to make payments on institutional loans while in school. Many students cannot pay the monthly payments on institutional loans while they are in school and as a result are often terminated from the schools or are denied transcripts† (NCLC, 2011). By them getting help from the government, if is a win-win for everyone. Social The social impacts that I may face are lifestyles and demographics. In today’s society not every child coming out of high school wants to attend a four-year college.For this reason, for-profit school is their best choice. They want to learn a trade and in a short amount of time. This could be because of their home life, their learning habits or the area in which they live. â€Å"Trade schools perform the advertised function. They teach you all of the facets of a specific vocation and prepare you for a job in that field. Afterward, you will have already gained during school to immediately apply for job. When you graduate from a university, often students do not have experience in their field of study† (Vohwinkle, 2012).The fast-track training that the students will receive, will give them the opportunity to get out in the community faster and start making a living for them and their families. Technological Technology is a very growing area and one cannot be successful if they are not up on the latest. In the dental field, most dental offices are now â€Å"digital and paperless†. It will be my responsibility to make sure that I teach my students how to function in a digital environment. In order to do this, I must be proficient in this area.If I will be successful, I must know what new procedures and technology is being used in the dental field. â€Å"Dental technologies have been evolving continually, helping to transform the field of dentistry. New technologies are developed with a focus on crea ting products and developing techniques that can be used by dentists to help prevent, diagnose and/or treat dental conditions and diseases early and effectively† (Ranft, 2006). I am striving to have my graduates come out the box running and ahead of the competition. Strategy and Objectives Reference Cartwright, T. Baldwin, D. (2006). What a vision is. Communicating Your Vision. 2006, p7-10. 4p. Kluyver, C. A. & Pearce, J. A. II (2012). Strategy: A view from the top. (4th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Kim, W. C. & Mauborgne, R. (2005). Blue ocean strategy: How to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Ranft, L. (2006). Dental technologies: The leading edge of dental care. Consumer Guide to Dentistry. Ceatus Media Group LLC Student Loan Borrower Assistance. (2011). Retrieved from: http://www. tudentloanborrowerassistance. org/blogs/wp-content/www. studentloanborrowerassistance. org/uploads/Fil e/proprietary-schools-loans. pdf Vohwinkle, J. (2012). Trade Schools vs. Traditional Colleges. Retrieved from: http://financialplan. about. com/od/students/a/Trade-School-Vs-Traditional-Colleges. htm Appendix PEST Analysis Template Situation being analyzed: _____Opening a dental assistant school _____________________ PEST analysis (political, economical, social, and technological) assesses a market, including competitors, from the standpoint of a particular proposition or a business. criteria examples |Political |Economical |criteria examples | |ecological/environmental | | | | |current legislation |Legislature interference |Start-up cost |home economy | |future legislation | | |economy trends | |international legislation |Become accredited with TWC and ACICS |Job placement at end of program |overseas economies | |regulatory bodies and |State exams with the University of Texas | |general taxation | |processes |Dental Branch |Government paid students |taxation specific to | |governme nt policies |Put in bids with the Texas Workforce | |product/services | |government term and change |Commission to acquire potential students | |seasonality issues | |trading policies | | |market/trade cycles | |funding, grants and | | |specific industry factors | |initiatives | | |market routes trends | |home market pressure- groups | | |distribution trends | |international pressure- | | |customer/end-user drivers | |groups | | |interest/ exchange rates | |wars and conflicts | | |international trade and | | | |monetary issues | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |criteria examples |Social |Technological |criteria examples | | | | | | |lifestyle trends |Medical/Dental field is growing |Updated equipment |competing technology | |demographics | | |development | |consumer attitudes and |Service the underserved communities |Updated software |research funding | |opinions | | |associated/dependent | |media views |Be a constant part of the Star of the Sou th| |technologies | |law changes affecting social |Dental Convention for exposure/free | |replacement | |factors |marketing & advertising | |technology/solutions | |brand, company, technology | | maturity of technology | |image |Become accredited with TWC and ACICS | |manufacturing maturity and | |consumer buying patterns | | |capacity | |fashion and role models | | |information and | |major events and influences | | |communications | |buying access and trends | | |consumer buying | |ethnic/religious factors | | |mechanisms/technology | |advertising and publicity | | |technology legislation | |ethical issues | | |innovation potential | | | | |technology access, licensing,| | | | |patents | | | | |intellectual property issues | | | | |global communications | | | | | | | | | | | SWOT Analysis Template Situation being analyzed: _____Self-analysis of SWOT _______________________ criteria examples |Strengths |Weaknesses |criteria examples | | | | | | |Advantages of proposition? |Name is known in the industry, but not as a|New to industry |Disadvantages of proposition? | |Capabilities? |business owner | | | |Competitive advantages? | |Dislike unpredictable environments |Gaps in capabilities? |USP's (unique selling |Advance degrees | |Lack of competitive strength? | |points)? | |Slow to make decisions | | |Resources, Assets, People? |Understanding | |Reputation, presence and | |Experience, knowledge, data? | |Avoids interpersonal irritation |reach? | |Financial reserves, likely |Highly skilled | |Financials? | |returns? |Difficulty sharing |Own known vulnerabilities? | |Marketing – reach, |Day-to-day planner | |Timescales, deadlines and | |distribution, awareness? | |Reserve and distant |pressures? | |Innovative aspects? |In touch with the world | |Cash flow, start-up | |Location and geographical? | | |cash-drain? | |Price, value, quality? | |Continuity, supply chain | |Accreditations, | | |robustness? | |qualifications, | | |Effects on core activities, | |cer tifications? | | |distraction? | |Processes, systems, IT, | | |Reliability of data, plan | |communications? | | |predictability? |Cultural, attitudinal, | | |Morale, commitment, | |behavioural? | | |leadership? | |Management cover, succession? | | |Accreditations, etc? | |Philosophy and values? | | |Processes and systems, etc? | | | | |Management cover, succession? |criteria examples |Opportunities |Threats |criteria examples | | | | | | |Market developments? |Dental/Medical field is growing |Too many schools in this industry |Political effects? | |Competitors' vulnerabilities? | | |Legislative effects? | | |New practices opening constantly |Tuition may be too high |Environmental effects? | |Industry or lifestyle trends? | | |IT developments? | |More people not graduating from high school|Constant updated technology |Competitor intentions – | |Technology development and | | |various? | |innovation? | |Low upfront cash flow |Market demand? | |Global influences? | | |New techno logies, services, | |New markets, vertical, | |Blockage from government agencies |ideas? | |horizontal? | | |Vital contracts and partners? | |Niche target markets? | | | |Geographical, export, import? | | |Sustaining internal | | | | |capabilities? | |New USP's? | | |Obstacles faced? | |Tactics: eg, surprise, major | | |Insurmountable weaknesses? | |contracts? | |Loss of key staff? | |Business and product | | |Sustainable financial | |development? | | |backing? | |Information and research? | | |Economy – home, abroad? | |Partnerships, agencies, | | |Seasonality, weather effects? | |distribution? | | | |Volumes, production, | | | | |economies? | | | | |Seasonal, weather, fashion | | | | |influences? | | | | Strategy Canvas | Competitive Alternative Map |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |# |Competitive Alternative |My School |Junior College |Trad. College |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |1 |Price |1 |3 |8 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |2 |Location |9 |2 |1 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |3 |Time |2 |5 |5 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |4 |Instructors |10 |5 |5 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |5 |Equipment |8 |10 |10 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |6 |Customer Service |10 |5 |5 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |7 |Motivation |9 |3 |5 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Facebook Should Be Banned

Facebook Should Be Banned Introduction Admittedly, social networks have become an indispensible part of human life. On one hand, such networks as Facebook provide many great opportunities to communicate and share opinions. On the other hand, Facebook may lead to many negative outcomes. Almost unlimited access to information often becomes a great problem for personal and social life.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Facebook Should Be Banned specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, Facebook can have such negative effects as privacy invasion, the destruction of relationships and it can even influence the development of society (e.g. Arab world protestors). Therefore, Facebook should be banned as it negatively affects the major aspects of human life. Privacy invasion Facebook is one of the most famous social networks which have more than 500 million users. Of course, this network provides lots of opportunities to communicate and find new friends. H owever, the tool is too imperfect. In the first place, there were several scandals concerning the network’s creators ‘sharing’ information. Reportedly, they sold personal information of users to certain companies. The network’s creators argued that users shared their information, so it meant the information was not confidential. Likewise, almost anyone can find some personal information and use it. The most vulnerable category of users is teenagers who may reveal their personal information to criminals without even understanding the potential danger. Therefore, Facebook should be banned to prevent privacy invasion and associated crimes. Destruction of relationships Furthermore, such networks also lead to destruction of relationships. Divorce lawyers claim that ‘cyber’ affairs lead to the increase of marriage breakdowns (Insley, 2009). Admittedly, many people find old friends with the help of Facebook. However, people also tend to substitute th eir real life communication by the cyber communication. The latter seems perfect and people focus on the imperfections of their personal lives. Eventually, many people break their real life relationships to build new ones which often terminate very soon. Therefore, it is important to ban Facebook to prevent people from the replacement of the real life by an unreal life. Basically, this can be compared with the ban of drugs which also lead to such kind of replacement.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The only difference that drug abuse has short-term consequences (health problems) whereas Facebook ‘abuse’ has long-term consequences (divorce, frustration, stress, possible drug abuse, etc.). Social effects Finally, Facebook can also affect the development of the society. For instance, many people claim that societies only benefit from the use of such soc ial networks as Facebook since people can be aware of the real situation in their country and in the world. Some argue that governments often suppress media trying to juggle with facts (Dunn, 2011). Admittedly, people should share opinions and information. However, sometimes the social networks may be used to foment riots. Some argue that the ban of Facebook and other social networks (e.g. Twitter) proves that governments try to limit communications in order to control nations. However, the example of Egypt or Libya shows that such tool as Facebook is not the primary tool of communication as the discussion of important issues continues even after the ban of social networks (Dunn, 2011). Therefore, Facebook should be banned as it can lead to unrest in society. Conclusion On balance, although some people argue that Facebook is a helpful tool of communication, it should be banned as it has too many negative effects. It can lead to increase of crimes and social unrest. It also negativel y affects personal lives of users as it negatively influences the development of real life relationships. Reference List Dunn, A. (2011). Unplugging a Nation: State Media Strategy during Egypts January 25 Uprising. The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 35(2), 15-24. Insley, J. (2009, May 27). Cyber Affairs Cited in Breakdown of Real Marriages. The Guardian, n.p.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Facebook Should Be Banned specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More